Genesis-MFG Sharjah MENA Logo

Genesis-MFG Sharjah MENA Logo

Jl. Niti Mandala

Renon, Bali - 80225

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+62 361 234 4567

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Genesis-MFG Sharjah Services

Choose Us To Ensure Your Custom Parts.

Our team of experienced engineers and technicians possess extensive knowledge and expertise in oil and gas drilling rig equipment, allowing us to provide expert guidance and support in selecting the right spare parts for specific applications.

Custom Manufacturing

Our company supplies a range of industry professionals with specialized replacement parts.

Custom Gasket & Metal

We create gasket that creates the perfect seal regardless of the application.

Source of Equipment

Combined with our talent, We make an unbeatable team to bring your projects to life.

Lean Manufacturing

Our company supplies a range of industry professionals with specialized replacement parts.

Material Engineering

We create gasket that creates the perfect seal regardless of the application.

Agile Manufacturing

Combined with our talent, We make an unbeatable team to bring your projects to life.


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Genesis-MFG Sharjah prioritize traceability and provide detailed documentation for all our spare parts, including material certifications, inspection reports, and manufacturing records, ensuring transparency and compliance with industry regulations.

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Expert Teams

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Completed Projects


Satisfied Clients


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Our Process

How We Works

We offer cost-effective spare parts solutions without compromising on quality, helping our clients optimize their maintenance budgets and achieve operational efficiency in their drilling operations.


We prioritize quality in every aspect of our manufacturing process, implementing stringent quality control measures.


We ensure the highest level of craftsmanship and product excellence and foster a collaborative partnership with our clients.


Actively involving them in the manufacturing process from concept development to final production, ensuring their vision is fully realized.

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